a Great Place to Shop, a Great Place to Live!
The Shopping District is home to a rich abundance of business establishments, including clothing and jewelry boutiques, restaurants, salons, florists and food shops–all with an emphasis on old-fashioned service. The broad variety of merchandise and really low prices attract customers from throughout the city and suburbs.
Our History
Pelham Parkway’s official name is the Bronx and Pelham Parkway since it connects Bronx Park and Pelham Bay Park; it is also an integral part of the Mosholu-Pelham Greenway. Pelham Parkway was established in 1911 and was originally only one lane which is today’s westbound lane. The parkway was lined with trees on both sides and had a strict building code. Nobody was allowed to build within 150 feet of the center. No railroads were allowed to cross over the parkway; this is why the roadbed of the New Haven Railroad had to be laid in a tunnel underneath the parkway which is now the Dyre Avenue subway line. Bars and hotels are also prohibited from being built alongside the parkway.