The White Plains Business Improvement District
Enhancing Business Conditions Since 1994
The White Plains Road District Management Association (WPRDMA) doing business as the White Plains Road Business Improvement District (BID) was established May,1994, as a not-for-profit community economic development organization with a mission to maintain and enhance business conditions in a four-block area in the Bronx with over 100 stores. The area extends from Bolton Street east along Pelham Parkway South to White Plains Road and south for three blocks to Brady Avenue.
White Plains Rd BID Overview
No Business Dues
We are part of NYC Program that taxes commercial properties to provide enhancements to city services.
As the PPMA we oversaw the planting of trees, replacement of light poles, installation of brick pavers and street furniture
Augmenting NYC services of sanitation, advertising/promotions, holiday lighting and beautification/ambiance.
Development of the White Plains Rd BID

Originally, the businesses on White Plains Road and Pelham Parkway got together and formed a merchant’s association known as the Pelham Parkway Merchant’s Association which was supported by yearly dues paid by the local businesses. The purpose of this organization was to address local problems with one strong voice as opposed to a myriad of small, weak voices and proved to be very successful.
Later on the PPMA was replaced by the Pelham Parkway Local Development Corporation which received federal monies to refurbish the business district on White Plains Road. The refurbishing involved the planting of trees, replacement of light poles, installation of brick pavers and street furniture.
In 1994, the PPLDC was replaced with the White Plains Road District Management Association doing business as the White Plains Road Business Improvement District. This was a novel program developed by the City of New York which took the support for the organization away from the responsibility of the local businesses and made it the responsibility of the commercial property owners by taxing commercial property to provide enhancements to city services. For services provided under this program refer to the Services Section of the website.

Our Community